Photo of the week

I discovered the following thing about blogs: It’s hard to keep up with the hard work of posting things on a regular basis… you need to find something interesting to talk about and to find time to create the artwork for the post (in my case)! So I thought that to keep it interesting, I would challenge myself with a new theme, “Photo of the week”. So, this new theme does exactly what it says on the tin: it’s a selected photo per week! However, the photo does not have to be taken that week though, but it can.

And I will start with the following photo. It was taken late October when I was finishing my intensive Japanese study at the Meguro Language Centre in Tokyo. The sunset light that day was amazing … so bright and orange. I took the photo thinking it would never show well the feel of that moment, but it did! Since that day, there have been many days with such light… we’ve been extremely lucky with a really sunny and dry winter. Thank you very much, Japan!


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